UGサービス 内木場(うちこば)です。 No.46
医療現場で、いろいろな症例を経験して “知層” を積んでください。
これまでのブログやSNSでご報告させて頂いておりました、“FIRST AID CPR KITメディカルポーチ”の販売も開始しております。お時間のあるときで結構です、当社ホームページ:ホーム | 医療安全をサポートするUGサービス ( へお越し頂きますようお願い致します。
あってはならない事ですが、CPRに特化した当社”FIRST AID CPR KIT“がお役に立てるときがあると思います。
This is Uchikoba from UG Service. No.46
As we enter the second week of April, I'm sure students are feeling nervous about starting the new semester. We want our promising students to work hard at their studies and lead a meaningful student life. We are looking for people who can understand human life and pain. Sometimes you need to play.
I'm busy with peer review work for the telemedicine image diagnosis service, but I'm able to see a variety of cases, and I'm learning every day. Gain knowledge by experiencing various cases in the medical field.
Another business of our company is ``cardiopulmonary resuscitation promotion activity''. We have also started selling the “FIRST AID CPR KIT Medical Pouch”, which we have reported on our blog and SNS so far. Please feel free to visit our website: Home | UG Service (, which supports medical safety, whenever you have time. Although this should never happen, there are times when our company's ``FIRST AID CPR KIT'', which specializes in CPR, can be helpful. We look forward to seeing you at our homepage shop.